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Cherie's Maternity Session: Baby Boy is on the way!

I don't even know where to start with this session!

Should I go all the way back?

Yes, I think I will.

Ok, over 20 years ago, I met Cherie. We were classmates in #Slidell, where I was born and lived 'til I was about 14.

Now, this is not about me, but I always find it funny when life brings people back around and re-introduce them when you're in a completely different place, you're a different person, and can meet them anew.

This beautiful statuesque woman was no longer the young girl I knew, but she still has that wonderful #spirit about her. I loved this session so much. She allowed me to play with big ideas and lighting.

We had the chance to create images that not every #pregnant #momma can make, and I was there for it! This turned into such a unique #maternity #photoshoot.

I swear, I'm not lying when I say this; we almost had the epitome of the most #nature-filled maternity photo session EVER!

As we were moving from one area to another, so I can fulfill my #moody maternity #vision in a #forest, we came upon two deer just casually grazing near the entrance of the #woods.

If I could just get them to stick around, even stand in the background, I would be beyond ecstatic.

But... the two deer wandered off just out of sight of my #camera when we all got settled in and ready to shoot. I probably shouldn't say 'shoot' when referring to deer when I actually mean capture an image!

I'm obsessed (obviously) with this fantastic #henna belly done by Maddie Jarman!

I think Cherie really shined in her session and it was all about her #journey into #motherhood anew with her #baby boy!

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